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Annual Insurance Review is Crucial to Your Growing Business
One of the biggest mistakes owners of growing businesses make is not keeping up their insurance coverage to account for the expanding assets and potential liabilities.
Let's say you started your business 10 years ago with just a small space and computer desk, and today you have an office full of employees and equipment. If you still have the same insurance coverage as you did a decade ago, or even three years ago, the chances are high that you are underinsured.
If Your Firm Is Sued for Discrimination, Act Fast to Check EEOC Complaint
Under a new decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, employers who want to have a discrimination complaint dismissed because the lawsuit allegations differ from those in the EEOC filing must act quickly or lose the right to challenge the case.
Here's what's at stake, and why.
What You Need to Know About the EEOC's New DEI Guidance
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, together with the Department of Justice, recently issued new guidance that significantly reshapes the legal landscape for workplace diversity, equity and inclusion programs.
For employers — especially those with formal DEI programs — this development creates new legal exposure, murky compliance territory and growing uncertainty around what is now permissible. Here's what you need to know about the new guidance and what steps you should take if your organization has a DEI program.
Top 10 Workplace Injuries and How to Reduce Accidents
Overexertion and falls are the most common types of workplace injuries in the United States, costing employers $28 billion annually, according to a new study.
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.'s "2024 Workplace Safety Index" reports on the causes and costs of the most common injuries across eight major industries. With the information in hand, you can review your current workplace safety programs to make sure you are focusing your efforts in the right area.
Cargo Theft Surges: Smarter Criminals and How to Stop Them
Cargo theft in the U.S. is climbing at an alarming pace. After spiking nearly 50% in 2024, incidents are already up another 22% in early 2025, according to a new report from supply chain visibility firm Overhaul.
Criminals, both organized groups and opportunistic individuals, are not only stealing more — they're getting smarter and more aggressive in how they do it. For companies that move, store, buy or sell goods, the risks are mounting.
OSHA Finalizes Rule Requiring Construction PPE to "Properly Fit' All Workers
Fed-OSHA has finalized a new regulation that requires personal protective equipment for construction workers to be properly fitting.
The lack of access to properly fitting PPE for smaller-framed construction workers — especially women — has been a perennial problem, as ill-fitting gear may not protect employees adequately in case of an incident. Here's what the new regulation says and how to comply.
Protecting Your Retirement Plans against Stock Market Volatility
Over the long run, the stock market has been a historically reliable generator of wealth for generations of investors. Over the short run, things are more unpredictable, as evidenced by the 10% drop in the stock market between the end of January and March 2025.
Fortunately, there is a place where you can park a portion of your retirement savings to ensure that you weather market volatility and downturns.
Key Employee Insurance Protects the Future of your Business
You have got a great group of employees working with you and your business is thriving. You know much of that success is due to one or two key individuals with both skills and personalities that would be difficult to replace. Imagine they were injured and out of work for a while, or even worse, suppose they died unexpectedly? Would your business survive?
Mistakes to Avoid in the ADA Interactive Process
The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified employees with disabilities.
While the law does not explicitly mandate an interactive process, courts and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission strongly favor it. A failure to properly engage in this process can lead to legal exposure and claims of discrimination.
Treasury Dept Suspends Beneficial Ownership Reporting Rule
The U.S. Treasury Department has announced that it will not enforce a law requiring most businesses with fewer than 20 employees and less than $5 million in annual revenue to report ownership and control information to the federal government every year.
The Corporate Transparency Act required firms to file this information by Jan. 1, 2025, under the threat of a maximum civil penalty of $500 per day (up to $10,000) and up to two years in prison.
Addressing Farm Vehicle Risks Amid Labor Shortages
Farm operators rely on experienced workers to handle grain trucks, tanker trucks, worker transport buses and vital machinery like combines, pesticide sprayers and planters. But an ongoing labor shortage is increasing risks, as less-experienced workers are stepping into these critical roles.
FCC Warns of Surge in 'Grandparent Scam' Calls
The Federal Communications Commission has issued a warning about a surge in "grandparent scam" calls, a type of fraud that often targets elderly individuals.
Grandparent scams typically start with a phone call where the fraudster impersonates a relative, often claiming to be a grandchild in desperate need of help. Here's how these scams work, how to identify one and what to do if you think you are being targeted.
Our Blog
- Harness the Power of Newsletters as Effective Marketing ToolsAre you looking for a meaningful way to connect with clients and prospects? Recent studies shed light on how e-mail newsletters and print newsletters perform as marketing and communication tools. A 2024 article in Forbes… Read More Harness the Power of Newsletters as Effective Marketing Tools
- Newsletter-Sending Tips to Avoid Spam FiltersSpam filters are heaven-sent for those who regularly use e-mail, but they can be a persistent headache to insurance agents and brokers who send newsletters to their clients. While spam filters protect users from dangerous… Read More Newsletter-Sending Tips to Avoid Spam Filters
- Five Tips to Build Your E-mail ListBuilding a mailing list is a challenge for any insurance agency or brokerage. But you’ve got to start somewhere, and with a little effort the payoff in terms of new business and customer retention can… Read More Five Tips to Build Your E-mail List