In these days of political correctness and overly cautious legalese, many agents think their newsletters must toe the line of boring to keep them out of trouble. This concern with doing the right thing can create newsletters that are uninspired, stale and so safe they might be used as floatation devices.
Well-written newsletters with evergreen content and viable solutions can be interesting to your readers while still serving as a sales tool if you know what steps to take to keep them from boring your readers.
Use your newsletter as a tool for prospecting—not an announcement board.
Chances are your reader is very interested in articles that can improve their quality of life, educate them about financial security and wealth accumulation, and help them make informed decisions. What they aren’t interested in are the everyday workings of your office or insurance companies. Now, A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s ratings changes are the exception since those help to cement the insurance companies as trustworthy and reliable.
Help your clients identify with the newsletter by including some testimonials—from people like them.
Nothing will move your potential clients more than seeing testimonials from people in similar situations who worked with you on a problem’s solution. Be sure to ask your former clients for testimonials that you can print in your newsletter. Ask them to thoroughly discuss the problem they had that you resolved and get their permission to print it with their name.
Provide your clients with actionable steps—ones that they can easily take with your help.
Your clients want to know how to fix their problems. They want relatively painless solutions that you can help them with. Make sure your newsletter articles explain the solutions you can offer and give your clients some knowledge base and help them to understand why they are viable solutions.